Government will ensure that children living in the streets benefit from indeginisation and economic empowerment programmes by providing them with decent accommodation, Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment Minister Saviour Kasukuwere has said.
Minister Kasukuwere said there was need for Government to provide the children with decent accommodation by allocating them pieces of land.
Minister Kasukuwere said there was need for Government to provide the children with decent accommodation by allocating them pieces of land.

The commemorations were organised by the Young People's Network on HIV and Aids (YPNHA) in conjunction with National Aids Council (NAC).
"Our country needs more of these empowerment programmes that will take children from the streets giving them education, economic and political empowerment.
"This must also include access and utilisation of HIV and Aids services," he said.
Empowerment, he said, was a vital tool to the success of the youths.
"This must also include access and utilisation of HIV and Aids services," he said.
Empowerment, he said, was a vital tool to the success of the youths.
This year's celebrations were held under the theme "The call for urgent action in favour of young people in the streets."
Minister Kasukuwere said the theme sought to contribute to widespread awareness of the dangers faced by children living on the streets.
Minister Kasukuwere said the theme sought to contribute to widespread awareness of the dangers faced by children living on the streets.
"Children living on the streets are the most vulnerable children on earth and are often subject to violence and exploitation," he said.
He noted the role played by children in the liberation struggle saying it was in the best interest for Government to cater for children's development.
He noted the role played by children in the liberation struggle saying it was in the best interest for Government to cater for children's development.
Minister Kasukuwere added that the youths are the leaders of tomorrow hence the need to nurture them.
"They have a special place in society and they must be prepared for leadership and management in all spheres of the Zimbabwean life, as they will direct the future.
"They have a special place in society and they must be prepared for leadership and management in all spheres of the Zimbabwean life, as they will direct the future.
"Africa will not be independent when our youth wallow in poverty, drop out of school and abuse drugs and other substances," he said.
Minister Kasukuwere also applauded the YPNHA for joining other institutions in the national response to HIV and Aids.
Herald Reporter
Minister Kasukuwere also applauded the YPNHA for joining other institutions in the national response to HIV and Aids.
Herald Reporter